
Welcome to the Blantyre Beacon page!

The Blantyre Beacon is a place to feel welcome. Feel free to drop by and be a part of our recovery community - some people like come along to participate in a particular activity or event, others simply enjoy the freedom to socialise or read a book in good company and safe surroundings. You can keep updated about what's on each week at the Blantyre Beacon below.

Our entrance is to the left of the Liber8 car park. You'll need to buzz in - just let us know your name and we'll let you in. Take the stairs and we're through the door at the top.

Address: 1 Station Road, Blantyre, G72 9AA 
Tel: 01698 755926  

Opening hours:

Monday/Tuesday/Saturday: 10.30am - 5.30pm

Wednesday: 3pm - 5pm

Thursday: 12.30pm - 7.30pm

Opening hours may vary depending on what's on that week. Feel free to contact us in advance if you're not sure of opening times.

What's on at the Blantyre Beacon: 

There's no need to book to join in any of our weekly activities (unless it is a closed group). Just come along and bring yourself! 

If you're not sure which sessions would be best for you, why not pop in for a chat and one of our volunteers would be happy to help you.